Jan Kestle

Jan Kestle
Sunbury on Thames
I discovered Moves Fitness in 1990 at an Activity Weekend in Camber Sands with my dancing friends. We were enjoying a quiet Alexander Technique class when suddenly, a party erupted above led by an American voice. Needless to say, we rushed up to the ballroom to investigate. That was Cindy’s first Moves session of the weekend and by the end my friend and I had signed up to the next teachers’ training course. At the time my third child was two years old, I now have seven grandchildren and I still love my Moves!
If you enjoy moving to music, Moves Fitness is a great way to exercise without thinking. It is suitable for all levels of ability as you will be encouraged to ‘listen to your body’. The safely choreographed routines are easy to follow and provide a whole-body workout, promoting stamina, balance and coordination in a friendly, non competitive atmosphere.
There’s ample free parking and a warm welcome waiting. So grab your trainers, towel/mat, weights (optional) and join the Moves family.
- j.kestle@btinternet.com
- 07904 657178